Gay did demos on throwing and trimming, really giving a full days workshop of information in about an hour and a half, and we'll be saving the bowls she left us to add to the next soda firing. As with all the other great guest teachers we've had in this year's class, I got a lot of good information from Gay's demos and can't wait to play with some decorating and altering ideas when I get back on the wheel tomorrow.

I also got to show off the bowls that were decorated at the open house, and stashed my other bisque bowls at Odyssey for a glazing session in a couple of weeks for our big firing.
Tomorrow starts some serious throwing to fill a few more bisques for my firing mid-October. It'll be busy leading up to it, then one crazy week glazing/prepping for both the Empty Bowls firing and my own firing, plus the Empty Bowls event then unloading my kiln - all before heading down to Atlanta for the Art Walk/Spirit Talk event in Smyrna GA - I'll add that link in my next post, but now I'm going to prep some clay for tomorrow and give the dog a stroll. peace.
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