When I left you, I believe the kiln was firing pre-Guild Craft Fair. I mainly had some tumblers and a few small plates from old demos and tests. Everything just about fit neatly on one shelf. The firing was a good one, with the exception of the earthenware platter that was cone 10 glazed and loaded on the top shelf...just above my shelf! I was not the only victim, but I got my fair share of 'the blob'. I wasn't too heartbroken over the plates. They were tests and I mainly used them for a glaze test. The tumblers were a pity, but the backsides that have gooey shino crawl and carbon spotting will be great for the mosaic sign.

oooohhhhh so melty! I know they say blue sells, but I don't think this is quite the idea...
So the upside was there was less to inventory for the show! It's hard to get too upset about this. Luckily it wasn't a commission under tight deadline, and while nobody wants or intends this to ever happen, it happens in a community studio where all manner of clay is being fired. And you know the maker of the big blue/red blob never intended to put earthenware in a cone 10 kiln, and she (that's as far as I'll go in naming names!) feels far worse than I ever will about this particular loss. Moving on...(and if she's reading this, so should she!)...
The load in went well at the Civic Center. We ended up with extra space at the last minute, and scary, wobbly shelves aside it was one of the best set ups we've been able to do with this group of artists. We decided to just add a handbuilding table for demos, and it made a big difference in the layout.
Also this week there was an artists' reception for the Mission Hospital benefit. I already posted a pic of the mask I made, but look what Blackbird Frame & Art did with it:
I don't think the picture does it justice - it really transformed it to another piece, and I love it. All the masks looked great. I didn't have my camera, this came thanks to 'Constancetheofficialphotographer', but the masks may still be at Blackbird Frame & Art on Lexington if anyone's in the area.
The reception was lovely, and my beginner wheel class kindly let class start a half hour later so I could attend, and one of my students even made it to the event as well!
Next week I'll have pictures of my class - they rock. And they're working hard to get everything they can out of this little five week intro!
Other week events in and around the Guild show...my ware shelves were finished and Alex delivered and installed them on Friday. I'll snap a picture of those when I finish later today. Right now I'm taking a breather (literally) from applying bio-poly to the shelves, and waiting for Jimmy to finish installing the outlet for the kiln. I think I'm back to venting the kiln up and out the window, but I may have to get a longer piece of the vent tubing. Once this is done, I can get a work table in for glaze mixing and storage, then get the kiln furniture. I'll clean up all the install messes and perhaps make a trip to Lowes.
As fun as spending all this money is, I'm really REALLY ready to get busy and see some of it start coming back in the door.
The week ended with most of the focus on the Craft Fair. Our overall booth sales were down from last year, but a few of us did pretty well. I'm not one of those few, and it's frustrating to not even make basic costs, but like a kiln meltdown, I think the best thing is to assess, take note of what needs be noted and move on. I didn't have a lot to take, and with a group of six artists of such different styles, it's hard to know what draws people into the booth. A lot of fondling and appreciating, but not much buying. I do think having a larger quantity tends to make more sales, and if this were a show I'd be doing again I may make a bigger note of things, but it's my last as a Resident. I may have already said this, but I don't think I'm at the point where I'll apply to the Craft Guild just yet. I feel like my focus has been in the experience of the Residency, and now I need to focus on what I'll be doing. Part of that is teaching, so the next year will tell me what among my passions - the teaching, the commissions, my own work - will take the strongest lead.
I did end the weekend with some cool stuff though. I bought a very cute little bowl from fellow-RA Courtney Murphy, and made a very nice trade with super-RA Joey Sheehan for a sweet little bowl and some shot cups. And on top of that I scored a pilsner glass just for giving him a ride home! I would pepper the blog with pictures of those as well, but I forgot to charge the battery.
So as soon as I can clean up all this construction and re-struction, I'm back to work! Commissions that have been patiently waiting need filling, and my next show isn't until September, but that's soon enough and this time I'll be filling the booth myself.
Perfect timing - the electrical work is just about done and now it's time to get seriously busy! peace.
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