Monday, June 22, 2009

word of the day: create

Every morning I start the day with a little laundry list of intention - what I want for the day ahead, in attitude, emotion and action. I could easily have an ongoing list that repeats each day, but I try to hone it down to a handful so I have tangible things to focus on through the day, rather than overwhelm myself into a fetal position. So the list varies: grace, balance, humor, love, abundance, gratitude, flexibility - a small grouping with one 'word of the day' matter what 'word' I choose, the meaning will apply across the day and into many parts of my life that I probably wasn't thinking about when I started the day.

Today the word 'create' popped into my head when I woke up. I don't often remember my dreams, so I'm guessing it came from whatever was last night's dream. Yes, you could say I 'create' each time I come into the studio, but it's about more than the pots. Each moment of every day is a creation, much of my own making and some from the responses I give to those of other people's making. So part of my focus today is to stay in control of my end of it. I'll be creating work in studio today, creating opportunities for more work to be made (and the word 'work' has way more than one meaning too!), creating new relationships and new aspects to existing relationships to keep the whole ship moving forward. And when I look at each seemingly mundane choice, right or left hand turn I make today, and pause to consider how it will contribute to today's word, I'm sure I'll find new creations along the way.

And now that I've created this blog entry, I think I'll go create some lunch...I hope you're creating a good day for yourself too!


  1. I know what you mean about the never ending "To Do" list. I take a long walk every morning and it's then that I figure out what really has to get done before I can get out to the studio. Such as playing on the internet and reading Pottery Bloggers.. Now that's important stuff!

    Your pottery is awesome:)

  2. :) I like your priorities! And thanks very much!
