There's always a little transition, after a firing cycle, where I spend a small amount of time bumping around the studio, getting things in order for the next cycle of work. This time I feel like I've been bumping around a little longer, maybe because I did several firings pretty close together, stuck in a show, some deliveries and a few other 'out of studio' distractions...and the past two days have been an earnest effort to get back into a 'making' cycle. But there's still some bumping...meetings, bookkeeping, marketing, working with one of my fab new assistants and finally getting the studio to look like it wants to be dirtied up again.
This morning I've still got fun 'business' stuff to take care of, but I've got Nina Simone on Pandora, a nice curry brewing in the rice cooker for a cooler, rainy day, and I've just made my 'do' list. So it's off to pick up some printer toner, a bit more clay and then hands back into the mud!
All that being said, I'm motivated to get it going because today is the first Friday of the month, which means gallery openings and events. Just like I try to keep one day a week where I'm out of the studio, I try hard to make this one night a month one that I'm out of the studio and in as many galleries or other studios possible. Here's my punch list for tonight, and I expect I'll find other events along the way:

Clay Space Coop returns to Clingman Cafe - I just closed out a group show at Clingman, and tonight officially opens the third month in a row of clay work in the dining room gallery space. I know I'm biased, but I really do think clay work looks the best in there! The Clay Space show has been up for a few days, but the reception is tonight from 5-7pm.

American Folk Art Framing & Gallery downtown has a special show for Shawn
Ireland and Ann 'Frantic' Morley. This pairing looks amazing, and I've usually gotten to this gallery after everything's been sold and gone, so I'm looking forward to the chance to see and fondle! Opening reception from 5-8pm
The Asheville Area Arts Council is celebrating doubly tonight, as they cut the ribbon on their newly expanded space and present a show of 'New Work' by four artists. One of the artists, Katherine McGinn, also exhibits at the nearby French Broad Chocolate Lounge, who will have some of their sweet treats at the opening reception. So when you're done checking out the great new work, you can go around the corner to the ChoLo for more chocolate, because I guarantee what they put out at the reception will be gone fast!
I also just got word of an event at my neighbors, Harvest Records - an art showing and reception tonight I believe from 7-9...can't put my fingers on the details but if you're in this area and go there, you'll find out and have a great time!
If I keep looking through emails and announcements, I'll find more, but if I want to get out the door to see any of it, I need to get the fingers in the clay! Happy Friday - and don't forget all the great Market action this weekend - check my other posts or the link on the right to Asheville Street Markets for all the details!
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