If only I had my camera to record some of these riveting moments! I did enjoy some outside time sanding pots the other day, but those pictures are on the other computer, as are the pictures of my first students first work lined up and ready for the bisque. And yesterday at the Bowl Project class, we had John Britt in to dazzle us with not only bowl making but glazing tips. It was another great class - one of the things I enjoy the most about getting to see even a mini-workshop and/or demo is that I still get so much out of it, and this was the case again, thanks John! And in a supreme Tom Sawyer moment, we even used some of my bisqued bowls to test out some of his glazing techniques and suggestions, thank you for that too! Oh, but I forgot to take my camera, so no pictures there.
Which brings me to tonight - friend Heather came over with a load of pots to bisque for her next firing, and it being the first 'guest-bisque', of course I wanted to document it for the blog and all those twittering to see the next studio development! I mentioned it several times - we listened to the debate, she loaded and I was trimming bowls, saying how I was gonna get the camera and take pictures. Next thing I know, the kilns loaded. So faithful readers, what we have is my friend Heather, enjoying a lovely pear/ginger/almond bread I made with pears from my friend Cassie's tree. Heather's actually enjoying her tea in a rare wheel-thrown Cassie mug, as it happens!

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