When I make pieces for clients, even if I'm creating something based on a piece or pieces they see that I already do, I will make samples for them based on what they want or what we've designed together. I'll often also keep those samples - to show other potential clients, or to keep as a reference for replacements. And then there are the pieces I doodle around with when I'm in a production cycle - pieces I keep because I think they might become part of something else, or because I want to remember to develop them more (or maybe I just really like them!). And then there are the pieces that I make for a while, but then decide not to carry as a primary form any longer, or those pieces that are really lovely, but might have a little surface crack, or a separation at and attachment, or a slight warp - usually those get snapped up by friends and family, but sometimes it gets busy enough where even they don't find out about them!

The answer: have a Winter Home Sale! Next Sunday, February 17, from 12-4, I'll be hosting at my home and hopefully finding new homes for all these lovelies.

So if you're in the neighborhood, drop by next Sunday between 12-4, enjoy some light refreshments and good conversation, and find great deals on beautiful pottery and beads! Here's a LINK to the Facebook event, and if you're not on FB, just send me a message for details.